This July (06), Luong and Lisa Ho will be traveling to Ireland/ Northern Ireland to volunteer at Corrymeela (a Christian Reconciliation center in Ballycastle, Northern Ireland). Please check out updates of our experiences and journeys.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Pictures of Corrymeela

Just to give you an idea of where we'll be staying and what it looks like (this may also help explain why we are so very excited to go)- here are some pictures my students took while we were working at Corrymeela last May.

The land just off the coast is Ratlin Island, and just beyond that is Scotland. The camp is located just east of the village of Ballycastle.

Erika Fox

Adrienne and Marian (The woman on the right has applied and been accepted to work at Corrymeela next year. She will join Luong and me one week after we arrive.)

Monday, May 01, 2006

Welcome to our journey

Hey friends and family of the Hos! It's May 1st and we have 67 days until we leave for Ireland. This will be our main form of communcation with folks back home. If you haven't heard about our trip, we will be traveling to Ireland on July 6th to work for 3 weeks at a Christian Reconciliation center called Corrymeela. Lisa visited Corrymeela when she lead a group of Ohio Wesleyan students to Ireland last May. Corrymeela is located near Ballycastle, Northern Ireland. After serving there for 3 weeks, we will be traveling around visiting friends and seeing a little of the country. We arrive back in the states on August 6th.

Please feel free to comment on any of our postings, or visit to get more info on where we will be working!

God Bless,
Luong and Lisa