This July (06), Luong and Lisa Ho will be traveling to Ireland/ Northern Ireland to volunteer at Corrymeela (a Christian Reconciliation center in Ballycastle, Northern Ireland). Please check out updates of our experiences and journeys.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Americans sighted in Dublin... Ireland!

Late breaking news... there are Americans in Dublin! Actually there are Romanians, Russians, Africans, and Chinese too! You may have a hard time finding any Irish. Dublin is bursting with tourist and new arrivals of immagrints from Eastern Europe and Africa. I can only imagine what New York looked like 100 years ago. Of course, there wouldn't have been a McDonald's or Burger King (there are two of each on the same street here!).

We arrived yesterday and have walked ourselves to death. We're trying to save some $$ at the end of trip, so we've been mostly window shopping. The $$ is stronger against the Euro than the pound (up north), but we still have Luong's green fees (over $200) to pay on Saturday. No complaints though, the smile on his face is worth the $200!

I'm really sorry about the lack of pictures. I'm not sure if it's our connection or Blogger, but I'm having problems loading them. I will try and create a link to an online photo site and post it asap. Check back later!

We're meeting our buddy Mike (an OSU student studing in England this summer) tomorrow to tour the Guinness factory. Luong had so much fun at the Bushmills Wiskey tour, I can only imagine what tomorrow will be like :-). Guys, you know how much I love Ireland, well Guinness has made Luong an even BIGGER fan of Ireland than I am!

Love you all so much, and we really cannot imagine being home in just a few days!

The Hos


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