Time Off
Hey all! Week three has met us with all sorts of challenges we didn't expect. Luong is working with a family group from North Belfast. They come from an area of intense conflict. For example, one of the mums told Luong yesterday that there were kids rioting on their street at that very moment. It gave new meaning to the idea of respite. Because they come from such a rough situation, their behavior is difficult to manage. Both the children and the parents are very demanding and disrespectful to the volunteers. We have had some volunteers spit on, cursed at, and hit. It has been beyond challenging. Luong is drained every night from the energy it takes to manage all the kids and demanding parents. Still, in reflection last night, he encouraged all of us with his new appreciation of what it means to be a servant. To always be a student and see the lesson in every encounter. He shared that, "even though these parents discipline their children very differently than I would, they still love their kids just like I do". He plans to hang a picture of their neighborhood on his wall at school so that he will always remember these families and their situation. Amazing.
I've been on arts and crafts. Right now, I have the morning off. It's been great "crack" (not the drug- it means "fun" here!). We basically provide activities for the kids along with decorating for special events. It's makes for a very fun and very hectic day! I'm working with Katie and Marcus (both from Belfast), Aisling (from Alberta, Calgary). Katie has been with us since we arrived and we have grown fairly close, so I cherish the opportunity to spend our last week together. She's a sweety.
We're done on Thursday, final celebration on the beach Thursday night, and then on to Belfast on Friday. After this week, we're looking forward to time off, but not quite ready to leave this place. Wendell Heximer said it best in his email today, after being here, home will never be the same.
God bless.
I like that saying. And it makes a lot of sense. Home will never be the same after having been here. Of course, here won't be the same after you leave either.
10:41 AM
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