Pictures of Lisa...

There has been a request to see more pictures of Lisa... I can't understand why, but here you go! This is me during the Monster Hunt yesterday. I was "Matilda the Gorilla". I am 356 yrs. old and my favorite food is rotten bananas! It was a hoot. We had to hide the kids had to find us, ask 3 questions and get a "Monster Mark" on their hand. Mine was black. It's all part of a good days work here at Corrymeela.
Week two has Luong in the kitchen- mmmm... and Lisa working with the "House group". A group of families from Belfast called "Over the Wall Gang". They are a cross-community of moms and thier kids who decided almost 17 yrs ago to cross the peace line near their homes and play with the children from the other side. These kids have grown up together and know no other way of living. It's really amazing. The families have vacationed at Corrymeela every year for the last 11 years. It is "home" to them. Last night I heard an amazing story about a "flare up" (an intense period of violence during the troubles), when the moms didn't leave their homes for days for fear of what may happen. They received a call from Corrymeela wanting to know if they could get away and stay at the center until things died down. They loaded their cars and fled up to Ballycastle. They were here for an entire week, but they were safe. That is the kind of difference this place makes in the lives of those they serve.
In closing, I thought I would give you a bit better picture of me.. and Luong!

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