Week Three
Week two wound down in the same "spirit" as week one at the Central pub. Good times had by all. For the first day in a week we had some rain and the temps finally dropped below 70. I know I shouldn't complain, but it's pretty hot without shorts! Luong has played two rounds of golf in the last 24 hours. He didn't lose too many golf balls, but he did wreck his golf shoes. He'll have to get a new pair... awww, poor Luong ;-).
This week we welcome two family groups from Belfast with a total of 50 children under the age of 16- YIKES! The interesting thing is that this will be what they call a "cross-community" week. Each group come from across the peace wall and they haven't met or interacted before. We will have some programming to facilitate interaction, but the intention is not to merge the two groups. Should be interesting. I'm hoping to be on arts and crafts this week with Katie, a good friend I'm met while working here. She's a college-age student from Belfast herself. We will our have job assignments tonight.
I forget if I mentioned this before, but my IPod died. It happened when we plugged it into someone elses laptop and it erased all of my music (700 songs!). I have the library saved at home, but I could be facing two weeks without my music. For those of you who know me well, you know that losing my access to music is not good. I live on a steady diet of music. But alas, Nile came to my rescue and downloaded almost 500 new songs! With plenty of U2 to make me happy ;-).
Blogger isn't working right now to upload pictures, but when it gets back online, I'll include a post of pictures from Voteck (pronounced voy-ta). He is a forester from the Czech Republic, but should be a professional photographer.
PS Could you pray for my knee? I tore my ACL 12 years ago, had surgery, but it's acting up. Not good.
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