This July (06), Luong and Lisa Ho will be traveling to Ireland/ Northern Ireland to volunteer at Corrymeela (a Christian Reconciliation center in Ballycastle, Northern Ireland). Please check out updates of our experiences and journeys.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Sunset at Corrymeela

The Hos are no longer in Ireland... we're back in Ohio. It's truely bittersweet. My body and my heart are still in Ireland (we're in bed by 10 and up at 6). I don't think we could have anticipated what a challenging transition it would be. Pulling into Delaware, Luong exclaimed "My stomach hurts! I have never connected physical pain with emotional pain before." I needed to remind him and myself, that we are blessed with wonderful lives, but we also felt like we were leaving so much behind.

The expeirence was a glimpse into something bigger. Through friendships, volunteering, the scenery, and the culture we learned how vast the world is, and how limited our lives are in good ol' Delaware. Visions were cast, dreams were dreamed, and some plans have been made. The challenge is to go for it and not get "bogged" (no pun intended) in our routines and comforts back home.

The first vision is to keep giving our lives away in our free time. God has given us both wonderful careers in which we have summers off. I would hope we never spend another one in Delaware (which means mom and dad may be dog sitting for some time to come ;-). Next summer we have plans to return to Ireland with a group of students from Linworth United Methodist Church in Columbus. They are wanting to do a 3 week study into the conflicts and reconciliation work in N. Ireland. After that, many of you know we have had the vision to adopt. We are starting the process of picking an agency with the hopes of traveling to China in 2008 to adopt. Finally, it is Luong's dream to teach English in China, so we are looking into opportunities for the coming years to spend a summer in China teaching. We would appreciate your prayers for each of these endevors.

Thanks to all who have visited the blog and commented. It's been a great way to stay connected. I will be back for a final post in the coming days with a link to our picture site.

God bless!
the hos (in Ohio)


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